The Secret To Having More In Life In Less Time
Have you ever wondered why one makes US$1500 a month while Jeff Bezos makes US$2489 every second and both have the same 24 hours?
Whenever I ask this question, most people would answer that he must have worked very hard, he is very smart, he has the right network or perhaps he is just so lucky.
Let us evaluate each of these answers and decide if it is true, or are there answers that we have overlooked.
Firstly, why would we say that he worked very hard?
Well, don’t you think that working hard is a given for most human beings?
Don’t we all work hard?
Uber and taxi drivers drive 10–12 hours daily.
Don’t they work hard too?
But why aren’t they making the money that these millionaires are making?
Every human being has only 24 hours a day and it is not possible exceed that without sleeping.
Sure, Jeff Bezos do work hard, but he makes sure he gets 8 hours of sleep.
Some of us do not even get 8 hours of sleep.
However, Jeff Bezos and many other multi-billionaires admit that in the beginning, they worked 12 hours, 7 days a week.
And even if they did do that, how can they earn 100,000 times the average folks out there.
So it’s not really hard work because even hard work is limited by 12 hours.
So what is it then?
He is smart?
Well, how do you measure if someone is smart?
IQ? EQ? or Maybe has both?
There are tons of people out there with higher IQ & EQ than Jeff, and they do not even make close to him.
If IQ and EQ or whatever Q is what makes them successful, can you improve your IQ and EQ?
Most definitely!
There are many good people with high IQ and EQ but still not millionaires.
I do not even want to get close to comparing with Jeff Bezos (Trillionaire by now).
So perhaps one is lucky?
Well, how do you judge if one is lucky?
Should you judge by the results they have right now or do you have to take into consideration that he should have been lucky all the way?
Truth be told that when Jeff Bezos started Amazon in 1994, it was making losses until they report their first full year profit in 2004.
That’s about 10 years of losses.
Would you consider that persistence or would you consider that lucky?
Which means for 10 years, he was not smart, he did not have the right network, and he certainly was not lucky.
So now that we have thrown luck, smarts and network out of the equation, what is it then?
Similarly, Tesla started in 2003 and did not make a profit until 2020 making it 18 years in the red.
If you started a business and it was not profitable for 18 years, are you considered smart and lucky?
As a matter of fact, Elon’s Tesla was making more than a billion dollar loss in 2019.
And did I mention that Elon Musk was broke in 2010.
I can only conclude that both have unwavering faith for they were both in businesses that they had no prior experience in.
And they both put in 100 hours a week in the beginning.
That is 12–14 hours a day, which is only 4–6 hours more than the common working folks out there.
And how could the income disparity still be so great?
If putting in the hours is not the factor that multiplies a person income then, it should be the kind of effort that is being put into the hour.
What effort then is needed to increase one’s income worth?
Consider the effort of a cook and a doctor.
Hour per hour, a cook is paid less than a doctor.
So while a cook’s journey started out horning skills in the kitchen and already getting paid, doctors spend time honing skills hour per hour in medical school.
But once the doctors come out to work, their skills are rewarded exponentially over time.
Now, I could never imagine myself becoming a doctor or laywer because I could not take the hour per hour grueling task of studying.
Just looking at those text books makes my head spin.
However, I did discover something (which I will reveal in a moment) that helped me went from making $1800 a month ($21,600 a year) after droping out college in 2002, to making more than $900,000 a year in 2016.
Looking back, that’s a 4166% increase over 14 years.
While most of my friend graduated and started out with a comfy $3000 paycheck ($36,000 a year), I was busy hustling 6 hours a day (after my low paying 8-hour job), learning online marketing strategies.
From 2002 to 2007, I had not turned a profit from my 5 years of honing my skills until 2007 when I made more than $8000 in a single month.
My unwavering faith in putting in the right hour per hour “compounded effort” in honing the right skills that will make me a millionaire and the extra hour effort I have put in has finally turned a profit.
Then in 2009, I had my first 6 figure months using my online marketing skills.
So do you want to know what hour per hour effort you should be putting your time in so that you can make more than what you are worth right now?
So to know what extra effort you have to put in initially without seeing many results YET, you have to ask yourself “What skills do a person need to make a million a year?” or “Who makes a million dollars a year and what skill does this person possess?”.
Maybe you do not want to make a million, maybe more, may be less.
Whatever it is, you can find out what are the skills required so you know what effort you have to put in hour per hour until you have the skills to achieve that.
If you want to be a YouTuber who makes millions a year, then ask yourself, what are the skills that are needed that you get to put in the extra hours of effort in the beginning.
My per hour effort has resulted in a 100 million dollar online business that creates passive income for my family and allows me to be a Stay Home Dad the last 10 years while most people are still stuck in a 9–5 rat race.
Now, there’s nothing wrong with being in a 9–5 rat race if you accept that fact that you deserve the pay you are getting and nothing more.
In conclusion, these are the 3 steps you can replicate to increase your own worth per hour, per month and per year.
- What’s the end result you want and who already has it?
- What are the skills you need to put in extra effort of time to acquire?
- Have unwavering, unceasing faith that you will not stop practicing the skills until you eventually achieve your goal.
What other ways of thinking do you think one can increase their worth?
Would love to hear your views as well.
To Love & Abundance,
Winston Ye
P.S: By the way, they are not exchanging money for time (since they have been making losses for extended period of time) and neither are they exchanging time for money. They are simply going after a vision with relentless faith & work ethic.