How To 100X Your Success With The 8th Wonder Of The World.

Winston Ye
7 min readSep 27, 2022


Do you ever wish your life could better than where you are right now?

But no matter how hard you’ve tried in the past, your life does not seem to have gotten better or at least not up to your expectation.

Now, I would like to invite you to consider the following:

Just contemplate this for a minute.

That is, whatever you have now is a result of who you are internally.

Yes, so how do we change our thinking?

So, if you truly believe what Albert Einstein shared, then you would want to read what I am about to share, because your life is about to change.

Albert Einstein mentioned about changing our level of thinking before we can solve bigger problems.

But he did not mention that our thinking is controlled by our beliefs.

Don’t Change Your Thinking, Change Your Beliefs!

If you want to change your thinking, you got to first change your beliefs.

What are your beliefs about success?

What are your beliefs about your capability of becoming a successful entrepreneur?

What are your beliefs about sales & marketing and leading people?

The fact is every minute, someone has become successful somewhere, and we watch these people in awe, and wonder when we can become like them.

What you see is just the external.

You want to know what action they took to become successful, but the truth is, it is not about their action.

At the very root of their success are their beliefs.

Most people get disappointed with themselves when they do not get the result they want. (Especially after someone who is successful shows them how to do it).

Why Focusing On The “How To” Fails?

If you search on Google or Amazon, there is no lack of “How To” books, yet most people still struggle to become successful.

What is TRULY missing is not the “How To”, but their BELIEFS about the task at hand.

If you believe you are not good at business, guess what kind of thinking or thoughts you would have, and what actions you would take?

If you believe you are not confident of a certain sport, guess what kind of thinking or thoughts you would have, and what action you would take?

Here is the main CRUX where most people fail:

They want to change their life by changing their behavior, but not their beliefs.

Perhaps you want to be a successful entrepreneur, therefore you set out to read some marketing books by successful marketers.

You attempt to follow the marketing strategy, but deep within you STILL lies the belief that you are not good at marketing.

So, at some point in time, your subconscious catches you making mistakes to reinforce what you believe. (That you are not good at marketing.)

However, if your belief has changed (“I can learn to be good at marketing.”), you will not think of your mistakes as failures, but as feedback for improvements.

You’ll keep trying because with every attempt, you know that you are getting better.

And it’s a matter of how many times more before you get it right.

People often ask me, how did you become successful in 3 different industries that you have no experience in?

My “10 Million Dollar” Belief Why We Can Be Successful At Anything!

I believe anyone and myself can be great at anything with the power of compounding as shared by Albert Einstein.

Whenever I am attempting anything for the first time, I always remind myself how compounding works.

Do you know if you compound $0.01 by doubling it every day for 1 month, you will arrive with $10,000,000.00 on the 31st day.

The “Overnight” success of any entrepreneur does not occur overnight.

Most of us only notice their success when they have compounded over a period of time.

They have been secretly compounding their skills and experiences over a period of time in their life before you even witness their success.

My belief is that when you attempt to master anything, there is no such thing as failure if your intention is to remain FOCUSED on making adjustments until you get it right.

You have to trust yourself that you will always learn and adjust with every attempt at anything.

If you have that belief, then every so-called feedback or failure is a stepping stone towards success.

There is no way that you can become worse, if you focus on improving with every feedback.

So, how do you become better at anything?

Success Comes Fast When You Compress Time By Increasing Attempts!

It’s the number of times you attempted and improved.

You can attempt 35 times a day and be really good in 30 days because you would have more than 1000 feedback, or you can do it once a day and see results only in 3 years.

I remember when I was in real estate, and I had never sold a house before.

All I had in my mind was, the more viewings I got, the closer it is to closing a sale.

But without marketing and reaching out, I would never get any viewing.

I went on a massive marketing spree.

I didn’t care if my sales or marketing technique was right or wrong because the feedback from customers or prospects would tell me where I needed to improve.

I made as many calls as I possibly could in the fastest possible time to all the contacts on my phone. (I took every feedback seriously, and I would improve on any attempt when I realized where I could have done better)

When I couldn’t contact anyone early in the morning, I would be busy setting up online advertising for maximum exposure within my limited budget.

My exposure allowed me to reach out to more than 10,000 potential customers within my first month, and I managed to clinch a 6-figure commission, beating over 10,000 realtors in the real estate company I was in.

The 2nd month was much easier because I already had 10,000 experiences from my first month.

Another belief I have about business is that it only takes 30 days of massive action to determine if a business is worth pursuing. (In any case, if it is not worth pursuing, I would still have gained more wisdom. Nothing is ever a lost cause.)

Using these two beliefs, I learnt many lessons from my first business (before real estate) which did not turn out as I expected.

My 2nd business was in real estate, and I made over half a million in commissions in my first year.

My 3rd business in training made over 1 million in revenue in my first year.

My 4th business generated over 100 million over 6 years.

That’s the power of compounding at work for you.

In summary, it all boils down to what you believe about yourself, about business, about marketing, looking fit, parenting, having good relationships, etc.

If you want to destroy that belief that has been stopping you, take some time to reflect where did you get that belief from.

Behind every belief lies a story you are telling yourself.

Take the time to truly question and challenge your own beliefs because many a time, they may not be true.

The other way is to find someone who has the results you want, find out what their beliefs are, and adopt their beliefs.

What are your thoughts after reading this?

What else would you like to learn more about?

What other questions do you have?

I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback in the comments below.

P.S. Of course, If you ever like me to help you with your beliefs for better relationships, business, health etc, I’d be glad to help you out.

Just leave a comment.

For more info about my entrepreneurial journey of how I went from 6 figure debt to spending 2 years in prison to 100 million in revenue, you can watch the interview below:



Winston Ye
Winston Ye

Written by Winston Ye

Regeneration | Gamepreneur | 6 Figure Debt, Prison To 9-Figure eCommerce | Real Estate, Stock, Crypto, NFT Investor | Futurist

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