Winston Ye
6 min readAug 24, 2021

Become Financially Free When You Do Not Focus On Making More Money

If you focus on making “more money” because you feel that would make you feel successful, then you’re in for a ride down the rabbit hole.

The reason is very simple.

If your definition of success is having more money, then no amount will ever satisfy you, because even if you’ve had a million, there’s always more money you’ve not made yet.

Ever since I was a kid, I have always wanted to feel successful.

I wanted to feel like I mattered to my father, I wanted to be loved.

I grew up in a typical Asian family.

If you do well in school, you bring honor to the family, and you will be rewarded with praise and toys.

Hugs were non-existent in my family culture.

The only way I felt, I could feel loved was to do well in school.

Doing well in school became my formative symbol of success.

Unfortunately, throughout my academic years, I was an utter failure.

However, the desire for success (To be loved) never left me.

When I was 20, I read a book called “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki which redefine what success is.

I had already given up any chance or desire to even get a degree, but Robert said I could have financial success even if you are. failure at academic.

I started looking for more money.

I would try insurance because they said you could make more money and after 8 months, I was still making nothing.

I moved on to affiliate marketing because there was even more money to be made and a lifestyle where you could be anywhere in the world and make a million in your pajamas.

And when I did not make more money than in a job, I thought perhaps affiliate marketing was not for me and tried other variations of network marketing.

All in all, I’ve wasted 10 years of my life pursuing multiple opportunities in the name of making “More Money”.

But something changed and turned my life around, and made me 100X of my previous $2000 job in just 1 month, built a 7 figure training business in a year, and an ecommerce business generating over 100 million in sales revenue.

I was sentenced to 44 months imprisonment!

Now, I know this is not what you would expect and definitely not what I wish for people to go through, but if you do, it’s really a blessing.

However, what I am about to share with you will free you from the stress of wanting more money and allow you to go after what is in your heart freely.

I am not going to fill you in on the details of how I went to prison and how I overcame it, but if you have an hour or 2, you can watch the interview below:

So if pursuing more money is not the answer to my financial success, then what is?

Consider this situation…

One day, your mother decides to go out to buy dinner, and she asks you what you would like for dinner.

You reply, “more food…”

Your mom takes more than usual because she is guessing what “more food” means to you.

She brings back a beef burger, and you say to her, “No, I want more food”.

This time, she took 2 hours and came back with 4 boxes of Pepperoni Pizza.

Again, you say, “No Mom, I want more food”.

She kept on doing it for years. (I’m exaggerating here)

Your mom is now confused and frustrated because you have wasted her many years.

And perhaps she might also have given up hope of trying to go out and find “more food” for you.

What can you gather from this story?

If you had told your mom that you wanted a double cheeseburger Meal (Upsize) from McDonald's at a specific Mall, how fast do you think she would get back with what you wanted?

You can see that having “more money” as a goal in your heart, like having “more food” will waste lots of time because the request is not specific.

In this analogy, both you (subconscious) and your mom (conscious) are YOU.

If you are not specific, you aren’t clear, you will end up wasting years of effort, time, money and unfocused, chasing “more money” and opportunities to no end.

If your heart is set on that 3.5 million dollar house in a particular place because you can imagine the quality of life you and your family would be able to enjoy, that would then allow you to lock on the goal and focus.

“More important than the quest for certainty is the quest for clarity”.

This is the reason why Albert Einstein also said.

If I had an hour to solve a problem, I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes thinking about solutions.”

So, if the problem is you are not clear/specific about your goal, and you only have 1 hour, then spend 55 mins of your time to first get clear on your goal first before proceeding.

Again, be reminded that until you are very clear on your goal, you will be wasting time, resources, money and feeling frustrated.

But once you are clear, you will be able to achieve your goal way much faster.

So, yes, clarity is of the utmost importance if you want to succeed.

I hit 6 figures in a month because I was clear that it was the only path and my family needed 6 figures to survive if I had to go to prison and I felt real estate was the fastest path.

I was locked on, put in 16 hours a day (hyper focus) of effort to make it happen.

When I came out from prison I knew I needed 20K a month at least to sustain my family and desired lifestyle, and I was clear about how it might happen, and decided to start a training school which hit 7 figures in a year.

When I felt like I did not want to keep exchanging time for money, I was locked in on opportunities that could make it happen, and I could imagine how it might happen, and created a 100 million ecommerce business that gave me passive income.

Spend a good hour, find a place that is relaxing, and intentionally get some clarity.

Here are some questions that might help you get clarity.


Is it money that you want or the feeling of not having to worry about money?

If it is about the feeling of not having to worry about money, then obviously, there are some expenses or debts in your life that you worry about.

What are they? Be Specific? How much do you need, so you do not have to worry about them? When do you want to get it done?

Now your goal is specific, and it is not just about more money.

Behind that money is something physical you want to experience.

Maybe it’s just seeing those extra zeros in your bank, maybe it’s that house, that car, that recognition you can get from your peers around you.

Whatever physical manifestation you want is a feeling that you want to feel.

So what is it that you want to feel?

Remember that this is only between you and yourself and no one else.

No one else can live your life for you. There is only you.

So be truthful to yourself.

Do you desire to be loved, accepted, respected, challenged?

Do you really need money to fulfil that feeling?

If so, how much?

If you can’t be specific in your heart, then your heart may never get that feeling you want.

For me right now, is to challenge myself to build a $1,000,000,000 business because that means I’ve built something that contributes to the world.

And that makes me feel that I can love myself and whatever dreams I set my mind on, I can achieve.

Let me know how this exercise went for you.

Did you get more clarity?

Winston Ye
Winston Ye

Written by Winston Ye

Regeneration | Gamepreneur | 6 Figure Debt, Prison To 9-Figure eCommerce | Real Estate, Stock, Crypto, NFT Investor | Futurist

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